16th January 2017
Incorporating a Team Visit with the Provincial Grand Master and his Deputy in attendance Alf Heyes was installed in an excellent manner by his predecessor George Statham at Leigh Masonic Hall.
George Statham congratulations Alf Hayes on his Installation into Leigh Mark Lodge
The acting officers were well represented and Provincial Senior Warden Alan Foster gave the Address to the Wardens and Junior Warden Alan Fairhurst gave the address to the Overseers.
The whole ceremony went very well and Alf who is a Specialist Children’s Nurse went into his second chair this year having been already installed in the Craft into the Lodge of Valour at Leigh and shortly he will become a member of Leigh Royal Ark Mariners. Alf travels widely across the country and finds his Masonry a relaxing break from the rigours of his work.
The Provincial Grand Master Keith Beardmore and Deputy PGM Geoffrey Lee congratulate Alf
George Statham, IPM is a retired Prison Officer and likes nothing better than to escape to Spain in summer to improve his language skills. Lucky George.
At the meeting the Provincial Grand Master announced the retirement of Special Representative, Ken Alker, who is member of Leigh Mark, after 12 years dedicated service. He thanked Ken for all his hard work throughout that time. He will be succeeded by Martin Stokes, a very experienced Mason from Murray Mark Lodge No 490 based at Pemberton.
The master and the PGM with senior officers present at the meeting
Charity was not forgotten and the Provincial Grand Master was presented with a cheque for £400. A charity collection later raised £140+
A very enjoyable board followed with traditional Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding in true Leigh style
Words and pictures by Fred Lomax